Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 254

Chapter 254


Chapter 254: Missing Her Daughter


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Without waiting for Gu Zits response, Aunt Yang looked at the empty steamers and felt a sense of despair creeping into her heart. Her gaze couldnt hide the dimness that overcame her.

She consoled herself internally, thinking, So what if I miss a meal? Ive endured worse treatment before, and one missed meal wont starve me.

Aunt Yang gulped and said to Gu Zi, Its okay if you dont have any. Ill be on my way. With that, Aunt Yang turned to leave.

Gu Zi was a keen observer and could see that Aunt Yangs despair was due to seeing the empty steamers in her small cart. It was as if not being able to buy pastries would cause trouble for her, likely related to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wang.

However, Gu Zi had not brought all the pastries she made for the day to sell; she had left some for her three children at home.

Although Gu Zi wouldnt interfere in Aunt Yangs family affairs, she did pity her situation. Giving Aunt Yang the pastries she had left at home wouldnt hurt.

While opening the courtyard gate, Gu Zi stopped Aunt Yang and said, Sure, Ill get some for you.

Aunt Yang quickly expressed her gratitude, saying, Great, please give me a pound. Thank you, Gu Zi.

Gu Zi smiled and said, No problem at all.

Lele was asleep in the small cart, and Gu Zi was afraid to wake her, so she carefully wheeled the cart inside.

She glanced back and noticed that Aunt Yang hadnt followed her but was waiting outside the courtyard.

Gu Zi nodded and went into the kitchen to pack five white sugar cakes and five brown sugar cakes. She brought them out and handed them to Aunt Yang.

You can take these. Once you steam them, theyll be ready to eat. I wont accept any money. Youve been a responsible host, so consider it a token of appreciation.

Upon receiving the cakes, Aunt Yang realized it was more than a pound. She insisted on paying and said, But I was compensated for being a host. Theres no need for thanks. If anyone should be thanked, its me for you reaching out to me. Please take this money.

Living in the village and growing older, Aunt Yang didnt have many ways to earn a living apart from farming, raising livestock, and doing household chores. Fortunately, she had experience as a wedding leader and knew the wedding customs, which allowed her to earn some money through red envelopes.

However. due to her recent hardshiDs, she hadnt been hired as a wedding leader much, and her source of income had dwindled. She also sold vegetables and poultry at the market, but the money from those sales had to be handed over to her daughter-in-law; she couldnt keep any for herself.

Gu Zi had sought her out and given her a 20-yuan red envelope, which Aunt Yang could use to offset a medical bill at the clinic. So, she had more reason to be thankful, and she had no justification for taking these cakes for free.

Still, Gu Zi refused to accept her money and said, Aunt Yang, consider these cakes a gift from me. Dont worry about the money. You probably have other expenses. Think of it as a gift from my mother.

Aunt Yang looked at Gu Zi with gratitude. She had a relatively high level of education and could understand the implied meaning behind Gu Zits words.

In her eyes, there was also a hint of nostalgia. Her daughter was only a little older than Gu Zi and was soon graduating from college. She must have married into a good family by now.

Thinking about her daughter, tears welled up in Aunt Yangs eyes, but there were no tears left to shed.

Gu Zi had moved out of her mothers house, and it wouldnt be right for her to insist on taking money. She simply said, Ill bring you some wild chives another day. Theyre tender this season.

Gu Zi didnt accept Aunt Yangs money, and Aunt Yang didnt push any further. She just said, Thank you, Gu Zi, and left.

Back at home, Mrs. Wang grabbed the cakes from Aunt Yangs hands and issued orders as usual. Go stir-fry some cabbage and saut garlic shoots with meat. Dont sneak a bite! And dont eat those cakes either; theyre sweet and could cause blood vessel issues. I wont eat them either; theyre all for Yuan Yuan. Im fair like that, so dont go talking nonsense outside about me mistreating you.

Aunt Yang paid no attention to her bitter words and had no illusions about eating the cakes herself. She had seen through this trick a long time ago; whenever Mrs. Wang wanted to keep something for herself, she would declare that it was all for Yuan Yuan. In reality, Mrs. Wang would end up eating most of it, and even her son wouldnt get much.

Aunt Yang simply acknowledged Mrs. Wang and then went into the kitchen to start cooking.

Mrs. Wang, satisfied with Aunt Yangs obedient response, began to plan in her mind.. She needed to come up with a reason to make the old lady hand over the remaining money!

